Notice of Annual General Meeting

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual General Meeting of Newent Memorial Hall will be held at the Hall at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday 25 June to transact the following business:

1. Appointment of chair for the meeting

2. Appointment of secretary for the meeting

3. Minutes of the previous meeting to be agreed and matters arising.

4. Reports and accounts

· To receive and consider the accounts for the year ended April 2024 and the reports of the trustees.

5. Elections

· Trustees (any person 18 years or above resident in Newent or the surrounding area may be nominated as a trustee by two other such persons)

· Other nominations for the management committee

· Election of chair

· Election of vice chair

· Election of treasurer

· Election of secretary

6. Resolutions

Proposed resolutions should be sent to the Secretary by noon on 10 June. A final agenda will be issued seven days prior to the meeting.

By order of the Management Committee

Vilnis Vesma, Secretary

28 May 2024

Nominations and proposed resolutions may be sent by email to or delivered to:

The Secretary


LBury Bar LaneNewent GL18 1PT

(Newent Memorial Hall is a registered charity, number 301583)